Fonds de solidarité FTQ
Content that shines a light on deep convictions throughout the regions of Quebec
The democratization of sound personal finances, the revitalization of Quebec regions through investments in local companies, and a strong commitment to social and environmental causes are the three main pillars guiding the communications of Fonds de solidarité FTQ. As the editorial voice of the organization, Republik communicates its impact on all its social platforms. To address a plurality of people, bring to life the convictions of solidarity that have guided it for 40 years, and thus create collective value, our agency makes sure to highlight real stories and real commitments.
Stratégie de contenu
Fonds de solidarité FTQ addresses not only its savers but also its partner companies and its talents. Therefore, its communication strategy must adapt according to the audience and the channels. It is brought to life sometimes with a touch of humor, sometimes with heart and empathy, and sometimes in a more assertive tone, thanks to ongoing content series, various educational and awareness campaigns, and toolkits that allow for better autonomy.
The organization’s platforms become a place where we prove that personal finance is not boring, where we tell the stories of real entrepreneurs who create positive impact in Quebec, and where showcase important causes such as domestic violence. All these statements reflect the convictions of Fonds de solidarité FTQ’s talents and strengthen their sense of pride.

Passion épargne campaign

Awareness campaign
It was only natural for our team to collaborate with Republik on this campaign, considering their experience with social projects and their involvement in various causes. The agency always manages to highlight these matters in a human and sensitive way. It should also be noted that Republik already has excellent knowledge of the Fonds, which helped a lot for this mandate.

Through survivor testimonies, the campaign demonstrated that domestic violence takes various forms – be it physical, verbal, psychological, financial, or sexual – while highlighting shelters as a way to find support to find a way out.
6,6 M
1,7 M
complete video views
completion rate
12 335
clicks to relevant resources
10 000
interactions with the various content offered on social platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)