Here’s why we became a B Corp in 2015

To be certified B-Corp, businesses must adopt concrete measures to meet the highest social and environmental responsibility standards in business.
On May 1, 2015, Republik became the first marketing communications agency in Quebec to receive a B Corporation certification, three years before stating its mission to be a social capital creator and committing to the commercial success of responsible brands.
This desire to reconcile business success, social impact and environmental footprint has driven the Republik team from day one and now guides not only the agency’s day-to-day management, but also the manner in which we put our speciality, communications, into practice.
A question of values
We share the belief that nowadays, businesses not only have the power, but also a duty to play a more active role in their community and have their creativity and innovation benefit the common interest. Maximizing profits at all costs with no thought to how it impacts society and the planet is no longer acceptable.
We belong to a generation that wants to buy from companies that not only understand our needs, but share our values. We believe that it is both possible and beneficial for companies to organize their business practices around a social or environmental reason for being, without compromising their financial benefits.
From our clients to our employees, suppliers and partners, we want to collaborate with people who share our vision and values, and will help us encourage more responsible consumption.
Getting certified B-Corp was the most relevant and concrete action we could take to state our convictions.
Taking action
B-Corp certification was developed by B-Lab, an independent non-profit organization based in the United States, and has been adopted by more than 2,600 companies in 60 countries, including BDC, Patagonia, Kickstarter and Ben & Jerry’s. The certification process involves a rigorous evaluation that measures the company’s overall performance according to such parameters as corporate governance, profitability, social and environmental return and commitment to employees.
By affirming our position as a B-Corporation, we are able to transmit these values to our employees and attract individuals and partners that identify with our vision and want to uphold it and grow with us.
To learn about the measures we have implemented at Republik, consult our social performance report.
We cannot expect only the governments and non-profit organizations to fix our most urgent social issues. Companies, marketing and communications specialists and consumers must attempt to balance individual and collective interest and have the courage to make these aspirations a reality.
Communication’s role
Marketing communications is often perceived, with reason, to be an industry that encourages consumption. Sometimes excessive, sometimes irrationally, too-rarely responsible consumption. By committing to creating social capital, we are showing that another way is possible.
As an agency that specializes in content and influence marketing, we have the power to act.
We have the power to positively influence our clients to focus on their reason for being in their communications and marketing.
We have the power to share their true, inspiring stories to draw the attention of those who share their concerns.
Finally, we have the power to inform and motivate people to use their purchasing power conscientiously. By connecting responsible people with responsible brands, we can help bring about change.
Interested in becoming B-Corp certified? Contact us for more information!