
Measure tue balance between your sustainability and your communications

Take a step towards creating social capital

The social capital index is Republik’s proprietary tool that enables organizations to achieve business success and create a positive effect on the environment and society. By completing a survey developed by our impact communication specialists, your company can evaluate the balance between your impact-related activities and your communications about them. The survey takes around twenty minutes to answer. After completion, you will be given a score that will assist you in creating social capital by improving the balance between your communications and your impact.

A balance is achieved between communication efforts and impact actions when the line between the circles is perfectly horizontal. The bigger the circles, the more relevant the various actions implemented.


Who can answer
the index?

This survey should ideally be answered by a person within the organization who has the best overall view of the company’s social, environmental, and communication practices. The questions mainly focus on the company’s corporate social responsibility, but also on media investments, social benefits, for example. It is important to consult your experts on these topics.

Words from impact team

“The social capital index represents the fulfillment of Republik’s main purpose. Our team is proud of creating a tool that measures and quantifies organizations’ communication and impact-creation efforts. It also allows more organizations to be part of the solution by adopting responsible practices.”

Impact Strategist at Republik
  • “The index gives us an external perspective on the performance of our ESG strategy and also on how we communicate it.”

    Claudia Ouimet, ESG Communications Manager at Pomerleau
  • “The indicator makes us aware of opportunities for communications about social or environmental issues based on actions we already have in place.”

    Hélène Macquart, Director of Marketing at Oatbox
  • “The index really shows the relationships between impact activities and communications, in addition to serving as a top-level analysis of our real-world actions. It provides ideas for how to increase responsible activities internally.”

    Adrianna Borrero, Head of Marketing, ESG Performance at Simplex